
*cues Jay-Z music* Allow me to reintroduce myself....

First things first..


Everyone loves a good story, so here is mine. 

I am in love with  fine arts! 
I have trained and danced professionally since the age of 7 years old and have played the flute since the 4th grade.  

I was always drawn to stage makeup for recitals.  In college, MAC was all the rage and I fell right in line.  I recall my friends asking me to help them with their makeup because mine 'always looked so nice'.  Slowly but surely, I got an urge to want to do just that. 

I have been obsessed with all things beauty for over 20 years and if you've danced alongside me 


marched in the ranks with me at THEE Howard University 


or have walked a runway or two with me

 then you have witnessed 1st hand my love for hair, makeup and all things GLAM

I recently married the love of my life, hence the rebranding of  Sherray Gibson Beauty. 

As a freelance makeup artist, I have had the honor of enhancing all types of beautiful women and having such wonderful conversations during the process - whether it was for a milestone birthday, wedding day or a young lady's prom extravaganza, I've realized a few things:

  • YOU love and enjoy looking your best
  • You N E E D affirmations and positive vibes
  • You have wondered 'does that really work?'

My content will include a lifestyle blog as I'm a new wife and dog mom, as well as makeup tips/tricks and video tutorials.

I am so excited about life, this new journey and all the new content that is on the way!  Please be sure to hit like, subscribe and tell me what you think!!!!

Tell a friend to tell a friend!
